Welcome to the seller’s information page. I am very pleased to help guide the sale of your home.
To get the best price for your real estate, market knowledge, as well as marketing, will be key. I have deep knowledge about neighborhoods and communities in in Great Neck, Manhasset, Queens, and Manhattan, and am exceptionally well-informed about the kinds of real estate that are currently being bought and sold in those areas.
Make sure that your home appears at its best, both in-person and online, so that it will be attractive to potential buyers. We will advertise your home in 60+ websites and real estate magazines to reach as many potential buyers as possible, get you the best price for your real estate, and have your sale completed within a reasonable time.
I have over thirty years of experience negotiating on behalf of my clients and have closed hundreds of home sales. I take pride in closing real estate sales smoothly and efficiently, and am an expert at managing the sales process from beginning to end.
It is always a pleasure to help clients who would like to sell their homes, and I look forward to speaking with you about your interests.
Contact me for a free market analysis at (516) 773-7700 or email me at [email protected].